
At Biz Group we firmly believe that Training and Development are critical components of success in any corporate environment. In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, organisations must be agile and adaptable to stay ahead of the curve. This requires a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce that is constantly learning and growing. By investing in L&D practices and training, companies can equip their employees with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive and excel in their roles. This not only benefits individual employees but also boosts overall organisational performance, leading to increased productivity, employee engagement, and long-term success. 

In the recently released report by The Josh Bersin Company, they highlight the top 15 Essential L&D Practices that every company needs, which we have elaborated below.  

Top L&D Practices HR Professionals Swear By! 

Growing and developing human assets is one of the main responsibilities of any organisation’s HR department. In the recently released report by The Josh Bersin Company, they highlight the top 15 Essential L&D practices HR and L&D professionals should employ in their organisations: 

1. Create Extensive Career Growth Options – (Career Management)

As part of Career Management, HR and L&D professionals must ensure extensive career growth options for employees. This increases staff motivation and engagement and helps them stay connected with the organisation, thereby improving staff retention. 

2. Develop Leaders as Part of the Company’s Brand – (Leadership Development)

Leaders are critical to an organisation’s success and should be aligned with your company’s core values. Strong leaders inspire and motivate employees, attract talent, drive innovation, and set the tone for the organisation. Therefore, it’s important to invest in leadership development as part of your company’s brand. 

3. Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning – (Learning in the Flow of Work)

In today’s busy work environment, and especially with the rise in remote and hybrid jobs, there’s a need for access to learning conveniently. Learning in the Flow of Work allows employees to learn what they need and when they need it without disrupting their daily workflow. This helps foster a culture of continuous learning in the organisation. 

4. Create Career Pathways to Move Employees into High-Priority Areas – (Career Management)

Providing employees ample opportunities and career pathways to move to high-priority areas is an important L&D practice that is beneficial to the organisation as well as the employees. Leveraging existing talent from within the organisation rewards the employees and utilises their organisational knowledge and skills. 

5. Cultivate Coaching Skills as a Key Leadership Capability – (Coaching and Mentoring)

Coaching and mentoring is a critical leadership skill in which all leaders and managers must excel. Proper coaching allows individuals to explore their potential, identify and work on their strengths and weaknesses and improve performance. This also helps improve employee engagement and improves talent retention. 

6. Facilitate Cross-Divisional and Cross-Functional Career Growth – (Career Management)

Facilitating cross-divisional and cross-functional career growth is an essential L&D practice that benefits both the employees and the organisation. It allows employees to explore other roles and capabilities and broaden their skill set and growth within the organisation.   

7. Experiment with New Learning Tech and Approaches – (Learning and Development Capabilities)

Technology is fast changing the way learning is delivered in organisations. Learning technologies such as Virtual Reality, AI-based Learning, Gamification, and Digital Learning are turning out to be more impactful and effective. Experimenting with various learning technologies and approaches is a good idea to understand which works best for your organisation. 

8. Build a Strategy for Learning in the Flow of Work – (Learning and Development Capabilities)

For learning to be effective, it needs to be relevant and regular instead of a one-time thing. It’s important to develop a holistic L&D plan that includes Learning in the Flow of Work for upskilling and reskilling along with the traditional channels of learning. 

9. Refresh the Company’s L&D Infrastructure with New Tools and Tech – (Learning and Development Technologies)

An important element of L&D is making sure the company’s learning is modern and updated with the latest trends and tools in the market. This includes the learning technologies and the methodologies for delivering learning. 

10. Offer Career Coaching to Employees Regularly – (Career Management)

Having regular coaching sessions with employees helps them gain clarity about their career goals, identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop a plan to achieve their career objectives, and overcome barriers hindering their progress. 

11. Curate and Monitor Content to Make Sure Learning is Relevant – (Learning in the Flow of Work)

Learning content, especially if it is provided regularly and in the flow of work needs to be personalised and relevant for it to be effective. This is why organisations use AI-based LMS systems that generate content according to the user.  

12. Train and Incentivise Managers to Work as Coaches to Others – (Coaching and Mentoring)

Regular Coaching & Mentoring is a critical part of performance management. Managers need to be adequately trained so they can coach and act as mentors to their team members. Consistent feedback along with Coaching along helps improve individual and team performance. 

13. Enable Access to Learning as Needed in the Flow of Work – (Learning in the Flow of Work)

Learning needs to be easily accessible so that employees can learn at their own pace. Learning in the Flow of Work provides handy access to the resources and skills employees need to perform their daily jobs without interrupting their daily task flow.  

14. Develop Leaders at All Levels – (Leadership Development)

Leaders don’t necessarily have to be only your C-level executives. You also need to invest in Middle Managers as they are the bedrock of your organisation and often responsible for their team performance in a multitude of different environments.  Future leaders can be identified and cultivated at all levels, which helps improve organisational efficiency and growth.  

15. Provide Self-Service Tools to Navigate Career Opportunities

A culture of learning and growth can only truly be incorporated when individuals start taking responsibility for their own learning. To facilitate this, provide access to self-service tools that allow employees to improve their skillset. 

As the leading training and development company in the Middle East, Biz Group specialises in curating and delivering L&D programmes that cater to individual business needs. Contact us to find out how you can start incorporating these L&D practices in your organisation’s learning.