Liz Wiseman's Multipliers Leadership Training
Amplify intelligence and retain talent with Multipliers Leadership Development Training
Build Transformational Leadership Capabilities with Multipliers
Provide Multipliers training to your coaches to deliver the programme internally in your organisation
Invest in your leaders by providing them with the learning opportunity to become a certified Multiplier
Leaders are key to unlocking capabilities within the organisation. Here's how we can help
Leadership Challenges
- Lack of accountability and ownership from teams.
Ineffective decision making due to lack of data and strategic thinking.
Teams and individuals working in silos.
Lack of Inclusion.
- Organisations not being agile enough to cope with the growth.
Our Solution
- Techniques to stretch capabilities and hold team members accountable for results.
- Approach and methodology for robust informed decision making that accelerates execution.
- Building a culture where everyone can provide their highest point of contribution.
- Platforms for discussion that leverage intelligence across organisationss
- Exposing the blind spots in a safe environment and provide a language and tools for workarounds.
Business Impact
- Increased employee engagement, improved team performance.
Faster execution.
- Diversity and inclusion across the organisation.
Increase employee motivation and talent development.
- Organisational agility.
Multipliers Coaching
Together with your coach and colleagues, the Multipliers Coaching System offers eight 50-minute conversations designed to help your leaders shift from being an Accidental Diminisher to an Intentional Multiplier.
With Multipliers Coaching, here’s what your leaders will be able to achieve:
- Decrease Accidental Diminishing
- Spark Better Thinking
- Capture Latent Intelligence
- Create a Safe Space for Bold Thinking
- Build Organisational Capability
- Make Smarter Decisions
- Create Space for Others to Contribute
- Develop Independence & Capacity