coaching and mentoring training, coaching training, executive coaching, executive coaching training

Exceutive Coaching and Development Training

Bring out the best in your leaders and managers through executive coaching and mentoring

Why You Need Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is about helping leaders unlock their potential to maximise their performance.  It results in transformation and excellence in leaders.  Psychological safety is a measure of how safe you feel about taking risks and feeling vulnerable in front of others, and it is significantly impacted by the performance of executives.

Biz Group’s executive coach will help tap into your internal resources resulting in positive change that improves performance quickly and effectively. 

Transactional managers coaching

The Biz Group Approach

We Listen

Tell us what outcomes you want to achieve through executive coaching

We Define

Coaching Mindset, Coaching Behaviours and Skills required

We Curate

Learning Solutions that contain all the core elements of an effective coaching session

How Exceutive Coaching Training Benefits Your Organisation

increased self awareness

Increased self-awareness

Executive coaching helps leaders and managers become self-aware and ensure they are always in control of their emotions

increased self awareness

Increased self-awareness

Executive coaching helps leaders and managers become self-aware and ensure they are always in control of their emotions

Increased strategic thinking

Increased strategic thinking

Coaching allows individuals to create breakthroughs in short- and long-term operational results

Increased strategic thinking

Increased strategic thinking

Coaching allows individuals to create breakthroughs in short- and long-term operational results

Improve Accountability

Increased accountability

Coaching increases motivation to make important business decisions and achieve goals during times of constant innovation and change

Improve Accountability

Increased accountability

Coaching increases motivation to make important business decisions and achieve goals during times of constant innovation and change

Emotional Intelligence

Understand how to manage emotions, work together, adjust to change, and show resilience under pressure

Emotional Intelligence

Understand how to manage emotions, work together, adjust to change, and show resilience under pressure

Executive Coaching and Mentoring Training for Leaders and Managers

Biz Group’s Executive Coaching unlocks potential and insights that lead to increased action. Executive coaching develops corporate culture, improving productivity, increasing profits, strengthening communication and boosting company morale. Your executive coach will be your thinking partner who will help you stay focused and unleash ideas from within.

We have inspired leaders across a multitude of businesses
From one employer to the next – they have remained with us.

Biz Group Learning Solutions

Utilising 30 years of learning and development experience, Biz Group has developed innovative Learning Solutions that cater to today’s workplace demands and helps organisations solve real business problems. 

We have helped hundreds of thousands of individuals, leaders, and managers with executive coaching, resulting in increased levels of empowerment and improved strategic thinking and collaboration. 

What's stopping you?

Book your free consultation with our Solutions Advisors

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